Phone numbers and websites that can help senior New Zealanders

Phone numbers and websites that can help senior New Zealanders

27th January 2020

Life can change quickly and sometimes we need some help and advice. Here are some phone numbers and websites available to the elderly or those looking towards the future of life once they hit retirement age (with a focus on Otago and Dunedin).

Age Concern Otago  – works to promote the rights, quality of life and wellbeing of older people in NZ. – 477 1040 - 26 Bath Street, Dunedin

Alzheimers Otago – a support and advocacy organisation for people with dementia, their careers, whanau and community – 471 6154 – For dementia support call 0800 004 001 - Community House, 301 Moray Place, Dunedin.

Eldernet New Zealand – a website full of information on a wide range of home help services, respite care, residential care, dementia care and community groups.

Grey Power NZ – an association for all New Zealanders aged 50 years and over. 0800 473 979

MSD Seniors – provides information for older people relating to superannuation, entitlements, work and income, financial means assessment and gold cards.

Sorted – information on managing your money, moving into a rest home or retirement village.

Seniorline 0800 725 463 – a free information service for older people.